Tomas Blog

How I hack my time


I hope some of you will find this useful. I am a single founder and I prefer working intensively in the morning. If you find it difficult waking up early, then move your work sessions to the evening.

7:00 - Wake. I'm trying to wake up properly and start slowly thinking about what I did yesterday and what I'm going to do today. This means at this time I take a shower or have proper breakfast.

7:30-9:00 - Work session 1 - At this time I work from home, because I like changing environments and I usually have a lot of energy at this time which I don't want waste on commuting. I drink 1 pint of water in this session.

9:00-10:00 - Time for commuting. I try taking a walk in nature to the office when possible. Walking in calm environment helps me rethink of what I'm going to work on today. If a weather is harsh (often happens in Lithuania), I take a car and do some exercising in the office.

10:00-12:00 - Work session 2. I drink a pint of water.

12:00-13:00 - I eat, chill, whatever. I usually go to restaurant because it's cheaper during this time and I don't like cooking. I try to talk with people at this time to not forget my social skills.

13.00-14:30 - Work session 3. I drink a third pint of water. Now I'm done for the day on hydration. At this time my energy decreases so my session becomes shorter.

14:30-15:00 - At this time I usually feel tired so I talk with people, exercise, have small meals.

15:00-16:30 - Work session 4. I usually work on easier things at this time, because my energy is low.

16:30-18:00 - Commuting back home, taking a 30min nap and having dinner. Now my body thinks it's morning again.

18:00-19:30 - Work session 5. Working from home. I usually work on easier and more satisfying things at this time too, because I'm not home alone anymore.

19.30-22:00 - I go out. I play basketball, eat, ride bicycle

22.00-23:00 - Work session 6. Finishing my daily plan and planning for tomorrow.

23:00 asleep.

Time of focused work: 9 hours. If I find myself unconsciously not working and scrolling on social media during a work session, I punish myself by immediately stopping it and start focusing on another one.